
What is bingx app for PC?

BingX app for PC BingX is a social platform for trading cryptocurrency. It makes it easy for beginners to understand the world of cryptocurrency. It offers assistance to master traders to help them increase their knowledge and earnings. It allows users to copy other successful traders to earn more.

Is bingx the same as bingbon?

UPDATE 18 November 2021: BingX is the platform previously known as Bingbon. The rebranding took place on 18 November 2021. We are still in the process of updating this review with new pictures, logos etc. What is BingX? BingX is a cryptocurrency exchange registered in Singapore.

What is bingx trading?

Las virtudes principales de BingX radican en su módulo de copy trading, así como en su avanzado enfoque del trading de demostración, sumado a la variedad de instrumentos para operar dentro de la misma plataforma. BingX(ビンエックス)はコミュニティに発言権を与え、コミュニティに力を与えます。

What is the bingx feed?

The feed function is also a great feature to connect and create a community of traders. BingX has grown from humble beginnings to become a mainstay of the derivatives market thanks to its intuitive platform, variety of trading pairs, easy access to funds, and local adoption.


